Who We Are
Sahainan Organic Permaculture Farm is an 5.5 acre (14 rai) family farm located in the mountains of northern Thailand. Founded in end of 2014, it is currently a food forest growing a wide variety of herbs, fruits and vegetables: cashew nuts, rambutan, avocado, banana, papaya, mango, jackfruit, durian, tamarind, bamboo, teak wood, chili, longkong, pumpkin, luffa, green beans, rice, coffee, ginger, turmeric, sesame, black beans, peanuts, long bean, morning glory, spinach, okra, mustard, tapioca, egg plant, corn, moringa, cotton, sweet potato, passion fruits, sacha inchi, coriader, dill, onion, garlic, medicinal herbs, and much more.
Simple Living Deep Experiencing
When we first arrived to this land 10 years ago, we had no money, no food, no land, no support from social or community…the land our family took over from ex-owner was quite “dead” and structure as hard as concrete or mud brick, no water sources for farming or using…but our hearts were very strong in dreams….the dreams to live as a “HUMAN” and HARMONIOUSLY WITH NATURE and GROUNDED and SELF SUFFICIENTCY. These are the inner power to keep us motivated and never give up even when we have difficulties. After many years of simple lifestyle in Sahainan, we gain not only the skills and experience how to live sustainability, but more vitally the philosophy, mindset, attitude and inspired by the flourished we have done! Our land is now having more than enough food than we need in farm which we can share with people outside, we have created river not only in our farm but other farms and the forest (and waterfall too!), the animals and birds and insects returned, the soil get replenished organically, more and more people and local villagers get inspired and involve in organic / permaculture living…..we earn our living by our family based work and we never accept any donation from corporate/ company/university…IF WE STARTED WITH HAVING NOTHING AND WE COULD MAKE IT, we think that EVERYONE CAN MAKE IT TOO! That is why we are sharing our space and some events to spread the dream, inspirations, and human hope…for humanity future and peace!
Simple life in nature has become our normal life here. Our purpose was to build and maintain a sustainable way of life—one in which the well-being of our planet and all life that live upon it is of utmost importance. We play our part to heal the damages inflicted by our modern society of overconsumption, fossil fuel dependence and industrial agriculture. And after(in) this 10 years we SEE, FEEL, and ENJOY the results which really motivate us to share (technique and happiness) with everyone who wish to live sustainability! To achieve this, we are currently a leading permaculture demonstration and education center—a place where all walks of life can gain the knowledge necessary to live happily and harmoniously in this physical world.
Care for the Earth. Care for the People. Fair Share.
We are organic farmers who enjoy food, music, art, handmade, nature beauty, peace, and homeschool our kids in our farm. We value life destiny and appreciate living fully happily with inner consciousness growth.
Our entertainment is rather grounded and rustic.
Our happiness is simple.
Joy flows form our inner self when we follow nature rhythm, work with good intention, and keep blessing with sincere heart.
Sahainan - สหายน้ำ Anyone can return spring water! Fair share between human and earth. Everyday we are using resources but how many of us think about giving back to create the balance? Actually, everyone can return to nature and recreate more resources for the world and future. WE HAVE ALREADY SUCCESS to “create” rivers in 2 years! As mentioned we never accept donation for Sahainan Farm, but we do need contribution for the forest (which is not our own land) especially financially to stop forest fire and reforestation!
There are many harvesting activities for our kitchen everyday, but the rice harvesting is once per year on October.
Local Hill Tribe History
We, the people of the Lua tribe, had no home.
The year was 1967. Civil unrest, brought on by political conflict, was all over Thailand. As a hilltribe, our freedom to live in Thailand was in question. The government didn't know what to do with us. And so we fled, moving from mountain to mountain, often without any water or food—some of us without even so much as a pair of shoes.
After months of political battle, the government succumbed to pressure and gave us land on which to build our community. The land was high up in the mountains—a beautiful place to live, plentiful with life-giving natural resources—but the soil was poor. And so we cultivated the land the only way we knew how, using our traditional farming methods handed down generation-to-generation for hundreds of years—methods that we only recently discovered very closely reflect the modern definition of permaculture.
The land not only survived, but flourished.
Today our land produces hundreds of different fruits, vegetables, lumber and grain. We are able to provide resources not just for our own community, but for all of humanity.
In the past several decades, however, the way our world grows food has changed drastically—and the rural regions of northern Thailand are no exception. We are moving farther and farther away from Nature. Traditional, sustainable, ecologically-minded farming practices are becoming more and more forgotten with every new generation. Industrial agriculture has dominated the world, and as a result, the health of our planet and the life it supports is suffering. We are unhealthy and unhappy, and many of us can't figure out why.
Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm represents a return to the traditional ideals of our ancestors—a happy, healthy way of life centered around Nature and all she has to offer, and what we can offer in return.
Principles of Permaculture
Observe and Interact
Catch and Store Energy
Obtain a Yield
Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback
Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services
Produce No waste
Design From Patterns To Details
Integrate Rather Than Segregate
Use Small and Slow Solutions
Use and Value Diversity
Use Edges and Value the Margins
Be Creative and Respond to Change
Permaculture is our normal lifestyle regardless visitors or volunteers.
To watch our Youtube Channel that volunteers help to make the videos. Click here.
Here you can read about the experiences or reviews of some of the recent volunteers and students.
A beautiful place my family visit every year in Thailand by Yuki Family
Sahainan, « woofing » dans une ferme de permaculture, au nord de la Thaïlande by Olivia, Gregoryn, Keran, Solia & Méloé
ASIE'GZAG by Keran
Sahainan Permaculture Farm ThaiPBS Documentary - YouTube
The Peanut Chronicles by Lizzy Keen
Thiksa Video - Sahainan, Permaculture Organic Farm by Simon and Juliette
[THAILANDE] Le dernier village avant la forêt by Teyssier Jeanne
Sahai Nan Permaculture Farm – Barefoot with Friends by CamDarling
Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm • Nan, Thailand by NATTHAYA PHIBAN
Sahainan Permaculture farm by Nampu Ratana
Thailand northern music 🎶 at Sahainan Farm by Jungle Boy Kapila
เที่ยวไทยไม่ไปก็อยู่บ้าน EP14 ไร่สหายน่าน by Mr. Phruek
Permaculture Is Bringing Farming Back To Basics | This New World by Huffpost
Sandot and the Forest: Grassroots Reforestation and Water Conservation
Shen & the Farm: Environmental Philosophy of a Permaculture Practitioner
Video by a group of university internship from France